Saturday, May 28, 2016


Genre: Action/Adventure
Running Length: 2:14
Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Jennifer Lawrence, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Evan Peters, Alexandra Shipp, Olivia Munn, Ben Hardy
Director: Bryan Singer 
Screenplay: Simon Kinberg 

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, the third film of The First Class trilogy is the weakest link considering Days of Future Past was such a powerhouse. There is a tongue-in-cheek scene in the movie where one of the characters was lamenting that Return Of the Jedi, "the third one...was the worst”. I believe director Singer was jabbing at The Last Stand (critics ranked it the worst X:Men entry), which he has expressed regrettably not directing it. Looks like the joke's on him for Apocalypse.

To be fair, this movie is not terrible but it's just not groundbreaking. There were moments where it was just absolutely perfect (Magneto's confrontation with a group of Polish soldiers) but such scenes were few and far between. Perhaps we are all suffering from superhero movie fatigue. After all, how many times do we have to sit through massive battle scenes where world iconic landmarks are being destroyed (Golden Gate Bridge, yet again -__-)

My biggest complaint is the chief villain himself. Apocalypse is supposed to be frightening and god-like but he looks like an uncomfortable clown. I blame it on the costume design. And although Quicksilver's THE sequence in Days of Future Past was arguably the most talked about scene, here in this movie, the filmmakers are really milking it. As a result, it feels uninspired eventhough it was well executed.           

As for the highlights, Fassbender's Shakespearean interpretation of Magneto and McAvoy's Gandhi like approach to Professor X are still the anchor of the film. And of course, the wild and brutal sequence of Hugh Jackman's extended cameo as you know who.    

X-Men: Apocalypse is a serviceable superheroes movie, at least the first 2/3 of it. Unfortunately, the last act was just an absolute mess. 

Rating: 6.5/10 

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Genre: Action / Adventure
Running Length: 2:26
Cast: Chris Evans, Daniel Bruhl, Martin Freeman, William Hurt, Tom Holland, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Emily VanCamp         
Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Screenplay: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely

There are two major themes in  CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR that are conceptually interesting on paper but wasn't fleshed out effectively in execution.

Firstly, the concept of a government body stepping in to regulate the honest actions of superheroes in causing civilian casualties during their epic battles with supervillains. (Interestingly, this similar premise was explored in the recent brood-ish Batman v. Superman). Among all the superhero movies, the X-Men stories have done a much better job at exploring this theme.

So, I personally found this reason a little weak for team Captain to clash with team Iron Man ("Lionheart" CapAm is against the accords while "pro-capitalist/anti-war" Iron Man is for it). As a result, the climatic royal rumble between the two camps felt restrained. Despite a lot of flying action, pummelling and blowing things up, it played out more like a spectacle than an all-out war. You can kinda expect no superheroes will die during this battle.

That said, somewhere towards the end of the movie, an intimate fist fight between Captain, Iron Man and The Winter Soldier is more dramatic and powerful. Because it's personal, there is a possibility that someone will die. It felt more real.

As for the second misstep, the theme of "a house divided against itself" is the most interesting but the journey to get to that point seems overly convoluted.

Although it's jam packed with characters, the movie doesn't feel bloated. It's probably because we are familiar with the back story of 90% of these characters which were introduced throughout the years across different movies in the Marvel Productions Universe (MPU). Not counting the re-introduction of a younger Spider-Man (brilliantly played by Tom Holland), the only new character is Black Panther.

Overall, Civil War is entertaining but it’s not as gripping and tight as Captain America: Winter Soldier. Oh, one gripe. As adorable as Marisa Tomei is, but as the new Aunt May...really?

Rating: 7/10