Thursday, December 24, 2015

IP MAN 3 (2015)

Genre: Action / Drama
Running Length: 1:45
Cast: Donnie Yen, Mike Tyson, Lynn Hung, Max Zhang, Patrick Tam, Kent Cheng, Danny Chan
Director: Wilson Yip
Screenplay: Edmond Wong

I was expecting IP MAN 3 to be another excuse of a film to showcase our grandmaster's patriotism but I was very surprised with the dramatic direction the film took. It explores more of Ip Man's family life than his reputation as the master of the martial art of Wing Chun. It is a bold move by Donnie Yen to move from his current superstardom as the go-to actor for all things kungfu and to focus more on his acting chops. And it paid off.

Blame the trailers for just highlighting the fight scenes and the hype surrounding "Mike Tyson vs Donnie Yen". The biggest highlight for me is the tender relationship between Yen's Ip Man and his wife, played once again by Lynn Hung. If there is one complain I had with the earlier Ip Man films is the underutilisation of Hung's character but in this film, her portrayal of the quiet, understanding and supportive spouse is finally fully developed. The best scene in the movie is a juxtaposition of Yen and Hung and a house full of martial artists (with a fun "Bruce Lee" cameo).

Ip Man 3 is set in 1959, where our grandmaster is settling into a low-profile life in Hong Kong after decades of struggling against the Japanese oppression (shown in the previous two instalments). It's a very different world now where Hong Kong is starting to rise as one of the best places to make money. And with money, comes extortion and criminal activities and the depreciation of values like innocence, purity, virtue and honour. And thus, that sets the canvass for Ip Man to face-off with a group of HK thugs, a corrupted American businessman (Tyson), a jealous Wing Chun proponent (Zhang) and a Thai fighter (??!). Frankly, it's just an excuse to showcase a collection of martial art battles.

So are the fight scenes any good? It's serviceable. In fact, it feels overly choreographed. But what about the Yen vs Tyson showdown? Well, that's probably the best hand-to-hand fight scene in recent years. It feels fresh and energising as it's a battle of different styles; the speed of Wing Chun vs the sheer brute force of boxing. The high impact punches from the burly frame Tyson looks deadly.

In the end, what stood out the most is Ip Man's closing message; that is to always put family first, ahead of the service and duties of the community.

Rating: 7.5/10

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Some stats: Watched 42 movies this year; 36 in the cinema and 6 on a long haul flight. Not bad at all. Do note that some of these films were released last year in the US but it only found its way here to our shores this year, especially the more non-blockbuster type of movies.

But it's the same every year as award worthy films are usually released during the Fall season in the States and it will only make its way to the big screen here the following year (or never at all). Case in point, films to look forward to in early 2016 includes: Creed, Steve Jobs, Spotlight, Room, The Danish Girl, The Hateful Eight, The Revenant, Joy, Concussion and so on and so forth.

So for we go! Let the countdown begin! Click on the titles to read the full review.

#10. FOXCATCHER (8/10)
This is not a feel-good sports movie. The sports of professional wrestling is just a canvass to paint the story of the devastating effects of the absent father. Steve Carell is completely "unrecognisable" here as his pathetic character slowly descends into a deplorable state.

For the first time in a very long time, the studios dared to release an original story as a summer tentpole movie ie. not a sequel, not a superhero movie, not based on a book or even inspired by a TV series. The movie strongly promotes the need to continue dreaming and hoping for a brighter future despite the bleak current conditions. Unfortunately, this movie flopped in the box office. It seems that today's nation of zombies audience would rather devour mindless popcorn movies than sit through an entertaining but thought provoking film. Or maybe it was just bad marketing on Disney's part. 

#8 CRIMSON PEAK (8.5/10)
A twisted and tragic ghost story set in the 19th century Gothic era, but at the heart of this film is actually a love story which takes place in a once grand English mansion. The secrets and suspicions of its characters got me guessing right to the satisfying big reveal at the end.

#7 INSIDE OUT (8.5/10)
A complex concept but presented in an imaginative and easy to follow storyline. A magical experience reminiscent of a Studio Ghibli production. Be prepared to be moved with both joy and sadness.

#6 THE MARTIAN (8.5/10)
The Martian is nothing like Interstellar. Although the thought of being stuck all alone 225,000,000 km away from home (earth) is somewhat depressing, the film's tone and approach is actually very positive. A triumphant and feel good cinematic experience.

#5 SICARIO (8.5/10)
An intense, violent and uncompromising take on the drug cartel trade in Mexico. An action drama so thick with tension I felt I couldn't breathe at times. Benicio Del Toro owned every scene he's in as an unforgiving hitman,

#4 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (9/10)
Mad, magnificent, mayhem. A modern action classic with real stunts and real danger. I felt like I was in a 2 hours theme park experience. The cinema halls should have installed safety belts to its chairs.

A road trip film that checked everything on the list and more. A rare experience that pushed all the right emotional buttons for me. The child actor is a revelation.

#2. WHIPLASH (9/10)
There are countless of films which explores the mentor/student relationship but nothing comes close to the approach this film took. It opened up a whole new perspective of mentoring for me. This is no Dead Poets Society - it's emotionally brutal.

#1. BOYHOOD (10/10)
Filmed over a 12 years span with the same cast, Boyhood was a meditative experience for me. No melodrama. Just a couple of adults and kids trying to figure out life. 

Enjoy a mash-up of 2015 movies. See you in 2016!

Friday, December 18, 2015


Genre: Science Fiction / Adventure
Running Length: 2:15
Cast: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Peter Mayhew, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Andy Serkis
Director: J.J. Abrams
Screenplay: Lawrence Kasdan & J.J. Abrams and Michael Arndt, based on characters created by George Lucas

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS. After thinking for a long time on how to approach this review without going into spoilery territory, I figured the best way I know how is to use a metaphor.

Now imagine a popular band/artist who has been around for 30+ years (think U2, Bon Jovi, Jacky Cheung) and they are still releasing new music.  They are going to hold a concert tour. If you’re deciding to go for their concert, what would you be hoping to experience? To see them perform:

1. As many of their new songs as possible + a few of their greatest hits; or
2. As many of their greatest hits as possible + a few of their new songs; or
3. A nostalgia fest - only their greatest hits; or
4. 50/50 if possible; or
5. I don't care. I just want to be entertained.

What you want to get out from this concert is going to be determined by your expectations before you step into the concert venue.

Fortunately/Unfortunately, The Force Awakens was made for fans; pleasing them with familiar ingredients from the original trilogy (a homage of sorts with a pinch of new elements thrown in) rather than boldly go where no man has gone before.

Rating: 8/10