Saturday, February 15, 2014


Genre: Animated/Stop Motion
Running Length: 1:32
Cast: (voices) Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Will Ferrell, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson
Director: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller 
THE LEGO MOVIE is indeed for ages 5 and above. In recent years, not many animation/stop-motion films have successfully catered to both kids and adults but LEGO fits right in there. And I dare you to see this and not want to go directly to Legoland JB or go to the store to buy a box when the credits roll. The script is smart and satisfying. The humour is delightfully random and the pace is infectiously energetic. The plot is simple; an ordinary Lego "man" discovering his calling to save the world as he's the Chosen one. But how the story unfolds is OTT and bordering mayhem, with many different random characters from the Lego universe coupled with explosions, horses and spaceships -  it looked like something out of a mind of a creative child placed in a room filled with Legos. This is done intentionally as the emotional last act reveals there is more to things than initially meets the eye. The world of Lego should match the expectations of fans as everything looks like it was assembled using Lego blocks; when the main character takes a shower, it's "Lego water." When fire erupts, it's "Lego fire." Although The Lego Movie seems to be preaching an anti-capitalist message but it's a sly move from the toy makers - the film seems to be marketed as an "animation to entertain small kids" but it's actually designed to sell more Lego toys and expand (and diversify) the Lego empire. And now, that's smart.

Rating: 8/10

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