Thursday, June 5, 2014


Genre: Science Fiction/Action
Running Length: 1:53
Cast: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton
Director: Doug Liman
Here's the good news for Tom Cruise haters. In his new film, EDGE OF TOMORROW, he dies! In fact, Cruise's character dies dozens of times over and over, often in creative and comical ways. The movie unfolds in a straight fashion manner where in the near future, an invading alien race threatens to wipe out humanity (just like any other sci-fi film). Cruise's character is a military PR spokesman who has never set foot on the battlefield suddenly found himself stationed in the frontline for a battle which looked like the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan. And here's where the plot gets smarter and sharper than one would expect. Minutes into the battle, he dies. But a funny thing happens. He wakes up to discover that he’s back at the beginning of the previous day. No matter what he does, his death returns him to that same point, forcing him to "live.die.repeat" the same period of time again and again. This is "Groundhog Day" with heavy firepower. Another good change from a typical Cruise's flick is that he doesn't dominate it but shares equal screen time with Emily Blunt's "full metal b****" character who gets all the best one-liners. If there's anything disappointing about the film, I would say it's the weak resolution because everything leading to it was smart but I felt the film makers could have been more bold with the ending. Nevertheless it's an entertaining movie as the plot keeps moving forward (albeit in circles).

Rating: 7/10

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