Sunday, March 6, 2016


Genre: Animated
Running Length: 1:35
Cast (voices): Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, J.K. Simmons, Bryan Cranston, Kate Hudson, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, David Cross, James Hong
Director: Alessandro Carloni, Jennifer Yuh
Screenplay: Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger

"I'm not trying to turn you into me; I'm trying to turn you into you." - Master Shifu

KUNG FU PANDA 3 is that rare third instalment that not only it is entertaining but it has more heart compared to No. 2. I was expecting more of the same aka Shrek or Ice Age (read: milk every drop out of the franchise), but I was genuinely surprised at the quality of the production and storytelling. This is not to say that this sequel is on par with the best work of Pixar where their narrative strives to appeal to both adults and kids. To be fair, Kung Fu Panda didn't start off that way anyway; it was designed to appeal to primarily kids.

So, audiences going into this screening shouldn't be expecting the emotional subtlety of say, WALL-E but instead will be blasted with some of the richest, brightest and liveliest animation in recent years. It features lots of action and slapstick comedy.

In terms of the plot, our lovable Po (Black) is once again frustrated and confused by his place in a world of martial arts masters. The message of "be yourself" is more defined this round as Po goes on a journey of self discovery while he faces his most challenging battle yet - a very strong and supernatural villain, Kai (Simmons) who has the ability to steal the power of those he fights. Po is also joined by his dads (yes, not one but two) as his wonderful support.

All in all, I enjoyed this film because it boast a strong villain, a visual fest and a strong (but not manipulative) message on learning to accept yourself and not try too hard to be someone else because your real strength comes from being your best "you".

Rating: 8/10

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